Welcome to Heart In Hand Atelier's Revived Blog where we talk about all things pastel art and more...
Hello, fellow readers! I started this blog back in 2019, when Heart In Hand Atelier was born.
The first post was a resource sharing post for all pastel art enthusiasts - at that time, there were hardly any free resources in English with regards to Japanese style of pastel art. I made use of my Japanese language ability to consolidate a list of useful resources.
I have always wanted to come back to the blog and share more with everyone. After all, I used to be an avid blogger when I was living overseas, documenting my daily life and sharing with my family and close friends what my life was like then. Unfortunately, that blog is now gone and I have been thinking about giving this blog a new leash of life.
Previously, I polled on Instagram on what my readers would want me to blog about.
- Anything related to pastel art
- Art products review
- My art journey and how it led me to starting Heart In Hand Atelier
- All of the above.
No surprise that "All of the above" got the highest number of votes.
And so, going forward, I will be sharing on these topics, giving my own insights and hoping to open up more conversations with my readers.
Art has helped me so much in becoming a better person and giving me back my self-identity.
Just like many of you, I have never thought that art would be playing an active role in my adult life and I hope to share my humble journey to motivate and encourage those of you who think that you are not "talented enough" in this area or that art is only for a privileged group of people or even something that only children would do.
In this journey of self-improvement, I have also come across various literature that transformed my life and opened my mind to new possibilities. Book reviews will definitely be something that I want to blog about too.
I am glad I finally posted this long overdue post and relieved that I am done with the most difficult part of my blogging journey - as they say, the first step is always the hardest to get things started! Phew!
Meanwhile, if you haven't already followed me on Facebook and Instagram, let me help you a little here ^^ Heart In Hand Atelier Facebook Heart In Hand Atelier Instagram
Before I end off, if there are any topics you would like me to blog about or you just want to share your thoughts and comments on pastel art, leave me a comment and I will try my best to reply you, I promise!